Black Salt

Black Salt


Black salt is also known as Kala Namak. It is a volcanic rock salt produced in the Himalayan region. And in this particular instance, is the ingredient that really helps make your vegan deviled egg dip actually taste a lot like egg!

Black salt has been used for thousands of years for its medicinal benefits. It is highly regarded in Ayurveda, the Indian alternative medics system. They have used to black salt to heal many conditions including dental problems, anemia, digestive disorders.

Black salt is an amazing addition to your spice cabinet. With its pungent, egg-like flavor it is a significant player in brining any vegan “egg” dish to the next level.

Where to buy black salt

You can buy black salt online or at an Indian Market. Once in a while you can find it in the international section or spice isle of the grocery store.

Recipes Using Black Salt

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