Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 

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Move over ham and bacon, there’s a new kid in town! This Smoky tempeh is rich in protein and vitamins, helps keep you full and satisfied, and is simply delicious. With its smoky, meaty flavor, these Tempeh strips are an excellent addition to any sandwich, salad, taco, or bowl….really anything at all!

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 


Tempeh is a plant-based Ingredient made from fermented soybeans that was originally made in Indonesia. Due to its high protein content, tempeh has made its way into many vegan dishes as a meat alternative. 

Tempeh is not only high in protein, it’s very nutrient dense as well! It’s a great source of calcium, magnesium, iron, and fiber.

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 

 Amongst many benefits, tempeh is believed to support gut health and bone health. It’s also a wonderful source of antioxidants. 

Tempeh has a unique, strong, nutty flavor, but it is incredibly versatile because it is excellent at absorbing the sauces and flavors it’s cooked in. Because of this, tempeh makes the perfect vehicle for a meaty, bacon flavored source of protein to pop on sandwiches. 

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 


As mentioned above, tempeh is an excellent vehicle when it comes to absorbing flavor. To make this Smoky Tempeh, I just added a few simple ingredients. 

The marinade includes liquid smoke and smoked paprika, which brings that Smoky element to the table. Then it’s balanced out with soy sauce, for a hit of salt and umami. And the flavor is rounded off with ketchup, bringing some sweetness and tang to the marinade. If you want to make the flavor a bit more complex, add a touch of garlic and onion powder, or cumin. 

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 


This tempeh is marinated, so the longer it sits in the sauce, the better. This makes it a perfect food for meal prep. I love to double or triple this recipe at the beginning of the week, making it a delicious, protein packed ingredient that is at my fingertips all week long. When you prep it in large batches, just let it sit uncooked on the sauce in a ziplock bag or covered container. Then pop it in the air-fryer, oven, or on a skillet when you are ready to use it. 

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
smoky tempeh strips. Air-fried. Plant-based / vegan protein

Smoky Tempeh

Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
Prep Time 5 minutes
Cook Time 5 minutes
Total Time 10 minutes
Course Breakfast
Servings 4 people


  • 1 package of tempeh
  • 3 tbsp ketchup
  • 4 tsp soy sauce
  • 1/4 tsp smoked paprika
  • 1/2 tsp liquid smoke


  • Slice the tempeh into slices about 1/4 inch thick
    Toasted macadamia nut and kale salad, served with seasoned quinoa, topped with sauerkraut and smoky tempeh. 
  • Mix all other ingredients in a bowl
    sauce for Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
  • Place tempeh in bowl or a ziplock bag and mix with sauce until evenly coated
    Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
  • You can air-fry right away. But for best results allow tempeh to marinate at least an hour. But the longer the better. You can store in fridge for several days.
  • Place strips in air-fryer and fry on high for 5 minutes. Air-fry longer if desired
    Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
  • **Don't have an air-fryer? Cook on a non-stick skillet with a touch of oil for a 3-5 minutes on each side or until desired crispness is reached.
  • Serve on a sandwich, salad, or bowl and enjoy!
    Tempeh strips marinated in a smoky, tangy sauce and air-fried until crisp. An excellent, protein packed, plant-based substitute for meat. 
Keyword fermented, plant-based, smoky, soy, tempeh, vegan, vegan bacon, vegan meat, vegan protein

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