Easy Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

Easy Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

Looking for the perfect crowd-pleasing recipe for Easter Sunday? This Just Egg Vegan Quiche is it! Thanks to plant-based Just Egg, this vegan quiche tastes so much like real egg, EVERYONE will love it! And it’s incredibly easy to make!

Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is made with plant-based Just Egg, vegan cheddar cheese, shredded kale, sautéed shallots and onions, the perfect blend of seasoning…to really seal the deal, and a gluten free crust!

This Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is loaded with flavor AND rich in nutrients and protein. Get a jump start on preparing Easter Brunch and make this the day or even days in advance!

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just egg quiche kale mushroom unbaked

Why you will love this Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche Recipe

  • IT’S EASY – This Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is so simple to make! It’s the perfect vegan brunch recipe when you are looking to make something simple with little effort OR if you are a beginner in the kitchen.
  • PERFECT FOR EVERYONE – This Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is vegan, vegetarian, AND gluten free making this recipe a perfect party food for those with dietary restrictions (and there’s usually a few at every party). It’s made with plant-based Just Egg that is absolutely incredible and has the taste and texture of real egg! So everyone, vegan or not, will love this mushroom and kale quiche.
  • GREAT SOURCE OF PROTEIN – Thanks again to Just Egg, this Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is an excellent source of protein. Want to add more protein? Toss in some vegan breakfast sausage or chickpeas.
  • MAKE AHEAD – Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is the perfect dish for meal prep or making in advance. Simply make the recipe and store it in the fridge for up to 5 days or in the freezer for up to 3 months. When you are ready to serve, simply thaw if frozen, and reheat!

Ingredients needed for Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

  • JUST EGG – For the base of this recipe instead of eggs, which is traditionally used in quiche, you will be using vegan Just Egg. Just Egg is a plant-based alternative to egg made from mung beans. You can find it in most major grocery stores. Just Egg is usually stored in the egg section or health food section of a grocery store. It needs to be refrigerated, so you will find it in a cold section. Whole Foods seems to always have Just Egg in stock!
  • CRUST – For this recipe I went with a pre-made Gluten free and vegan crust. Feel free to swap out your favorite pre-made crust of your choice.
  • BLACK SALT – Black salt is also known as Kala Namak. It is a volcanic rock salt produced in the Himalayan region. And in this particular instance, is the ingredient that really helps make your vegan quiche taste like egg. You can easily find it online or at an Indian Market. 
  • MUSHROOMS – I went with a mushroom blend for the sake of variety.  But feel free to go with just one.  Shiitake would be my top choice because of it’s amazing texture.
  • KALE – For this Just Egg vegan quiche is went with kale, but feel free to substitute spinach!
  • SHALLOTS – You can substitute 1/2 of an onion if desired.
  • VEGAN SHREDDED CHEDDAR – I went with the brand Daiya, but feel free to go with your brand of choice.
  • SALT

How to make Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

As mentioned above, this Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is SO EASY to make! Here’s how…

Prepare your veggies

The first step in preparing your Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is preparing the veggies. When including vegetables in a vegan quiche, I always give them a head start in the cooking process by sautéing and seasoning them. Why? It helps build a better texture and flavor. The trick is to just slightly sauté your vegetables, you don’t want to over cook them and make them soggy!

To prepare your vegetables, being by slicing the shallot and chopping the 4 oz of mushrooms into smaller pieces.

mushrooms and shallot for just egg vegan quiche  with kale and  mushroom

Next remove the stems from 5 large leaves of kale and chop it up into smaller pieces.

de-stemmed kale

Now, place a skillet on the stove over medium heat and add 1 tbsp of olive oil. After the oil has heated for a minute, add your shallots.

shallots cooking in skillet

Stir and cook for 2 minutes, then add your mushrooms.

mushrooms and shallots in a skillet

Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.

Add your de-stemmed and chopped kale. Cook for one more minute while mixing. Remove from heat.

cooking kale and veggies for just egg quiche kale mushroom

Add 1/2 tablespoon of lemon and a pinch of salt. Mix until evenly combined. Set your veggie aside.

lemon and veggies

Prepare the Just Egg

Open the bottle of Just Egg and add 1/4 tsp black salt and 1/16 teaspoon nutmeg (a little goes a long way). You can put the seasoning right into the bottle. Then put the lid back on and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds. This will allow your seasoning to thoroughly mix in with the liquid. Set aside.

shaking just egg for  just egg vegan quiche  with kale and  mushroom

Fill the Quiche

Now it’s time to fill the quiche! Place your quiche crust on a flat surface. I like to place mine on a cutting board so I can move it to the oven safely and easily.

Add sautéed mushrooms, kale, and shallots into the bottom of the pie crust.

filling quiche crust with veggies

Top veggies with 1/4 cup of shredded vegan cheddar cheese. Save the other half of the vegan cheese for the top.

Pour the bottle of seasoned Just Egg on top.

Top with the other 1/4 cup of shredded vegan cheddar cheese.

 just egg vegan quiche  with kale and  mushroom before baking

CAREFULLY place in the preheated oven at 350ºF and bake for one hour. Depending on oven, you may need more time.

You will check to see if the quiche is fully cooked by placing a fork in the center. If it comes out clean…it’s ready!

testing quiche with fork

Serve and enjoy!

Tips for making Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

  • Sautee your veggies…but not too much – I know, I know it is SUPER nice to just dump your veggies in a quiche and you can do that if you want.  But it won’t have as nice of a texture or flavor.  Sautéing your veggies in advance allows them to begin to cook and develop flavor BEFORE they even get added to the quiche.  But you still want them to be pretty firm and only half way cooked so they don’t become too soggy once baked.
  • Add salt and lemon to your sautéed veggies – Adding a pinch of salt and a squeeze of lemon to your sautéed veggies before adding them to the quiche will add a nice extra level of flavor.  The more you season each ingredient individually, the more flavor the quiche will have in the end!
  • Keep an eye on your quiche while baking – All ovens cook slightly differently, so keep an eye on your quiche while baking so it doesn’t over cook. Add more time if needed. For this quiche, I bake it at 350ºF so the crust doesn’t burn. If you want it to bake a little faster, you can push the oven up to 375ºF, but the crust might become a little extra toasty.
  • Be careful with your crust! – Some store-bought crust is more sturdy than others. So be careful! Place a cutting board under you crust before you fill it. This way you can gently slide it into the oven without buckling. I had a tragic accident when I was making this quiche because I didn’t do this! My quiche basically folded in half when I tried to take it off the counter with my hands…luckily the package of crust came with TWO!

Questions Answered

  • Can I prep this in advance – Yes!  Quiches are the perfect candidate for meal prep!  Just prep it and bake it.  Then you can just store it in the fridge and reheat when you’re ready to eat.  OR you can even freeze them for up to 3 months.  Just thaw and reheat when you are ready to serve.
  • Is Just Egg Vegan- Sure is!  Just Egg is vegan and vegetarian.
  • Is Just Egg Gluten free – Yes, Just Egg is gluten free.  So as long as you go with a gluten-free crust, this mushroom and kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is a gluten free recipe.
  • Do I have to use a gluten free crust – Of course not! Use any pre-made crust you desire!
  • Can I use different fillings – Yes!  One of the best things about quiches is that they can be filled with pretty much anything you want!  Be creative and adjust to your desires.  Just remember to sauté your veggies in advance.  If you are using vegan meat as well, be sure to cook them ahead of time as well for the best texture and flavor.
  • How do I make this a crustless quiche – Instead of pie crust, use potatoes!

Different filling for Just Egg Vegan Quiche

One of the best parts about making quiche is the endless possibilities of what you fill it with! Here’s some ideas…

  • Vegan Sausage
  • Vegan bacon
  • peppers
  • spinach
  • fresh tomatoes
  • sun dried tomatoes
  • broccoli
  • breakfast potatoes
  • tempeh bacon
  • fresh herbs
  • red pepper flakes

What to serve with Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

This mushroom and kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche makes a perfect breakfast, brunch, or lunch.  You can eat it solo for a tasty, lighter meal or you can add a side!  Serve this Just Egg Vegan Quiche with a side of fruit, hash browns, or a side salad.  Try this vegan breakfast salad if you really want to impress your guests.

Mushroom and kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche also makes a perfect addition to any brunch buffet.  Serve it alongside Carrot and Lox Vegan dip, vegan deviled egg dip, or vegan bloody Mary dip.

Easy Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche

Mushroom and Kale Just Egg Vegan Quiche is made with plant-based Just Egg, vegan cheddar cheese, shredded kale, sautéed shallots and onions, the perfect blend of seasoning…to really seal the deal, and a gluten free crust!
Prep Time 10 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour 10 minutes
Total Time 1 hour 20 minutes
Course Breakfast, brunch
Cuisine plant-based, vegan, vegetarian
Servings 6 people


  • Oven
  • skillet


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 1 shallot can substitute 1/2 of an onion
  • 4 oz mixed mushrooms Can substitute any mushroom
  • 5 large leaves of Kale
  • 1/16 tsp salt
  • 1/2 tbsp lemon juice
  • 1 bottle Plant-based Just Egg
  • 1/4 tsp black salt
  • 1/16 tsp nutmeg
  • 1 pre-made pie crust I chose a vegan and gluten free one
  • 1/2 cup shredded vegan cheddar cheese I used Day


  • Preheat oven to 350℉

Prepare your veggies

  • To prepare your vegetables, being by slicing the shallot.
    sliced shallots for just egg quiche kale mushroom
  • Chop the 4 oz of mushrooms into smaller pieces.
    mushrooms and shallot for just egg vegan quiche with kale and mushroom
  • Next remove the stems from 5 leaves of kale and chop it up into smaller pieces.
    de-stemmed kale
  • Now, place a skillet on the stove over medium heat and add 1 tbsp of olive oil. After the oil has heated for a minute, add your shallots.
    shallots cooking in skillet
  • Stir and cook for 2 minutes, then add your mushrooms.
    mushrooms and shallots in a skillet
  • Cook for another 5 minutes, stirring occasionally.
  • Add your de-stemmed and chopped kale. Cook for one more minute while mixing. Remove from heat.
    cooking kale and veggies for just egg quiche kale mushroom
  • Add 1/2 tablespoon of lemon and a pinch of salt. Mix until evenly combined. Set your veggie aside.
    lemon and veggies

Prepare the Just Egg

  • Open the bottle of Just Egg and add 1/4 tsp black salt and 1/16 teaspoon nutmeg (a little goes a long way). You can but the seasoning right into the bottle.
  • Then put the lid back on and shake vigorously for about 20 seconds. This will allow your seasoning to thoroughly mix in with the liquid. Set. Aside.
    shaking just egg for just egg vegan quiche with kale and mushroom

Fill the Quiche

  • Now it's time to fill the quiche! Place your quiche crust on a flat surface. I like to place mine on a cutting board so I can move it to the oven safely and easily.
  • Add sautéed mushrooms, kale, and shallots into the bottom of the pie crust.
    filling quiche crust with veggies
  • Top veggies with 1/4 cup of shredded vegan cheddar cheese. Save the other half of the vegan cheese for the top. 
  • Pour the bottle of seasoned Just Egg on top.
  • Top with the other 1/4 cup of shredded vegan cheddar cheese.
    just egg quiche kale mushroom unbaked
  • CAREFULLY place in the preheated oven at 350ºF and bake for one hour. Depending on oven, you may need more time.
  • You will check to see if the quiche is fully cooked by placing a fork in the center. If it comes out clean…it's ready!
    testing quiche with fork
  • Serve and enjoy!
Keyword air fryer mushrooms, Easter brunch, just egg, kale, plant based breakfast, quiche, vegan, vegan protein, vegetarian

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