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vegan butternut squash dumplings served with Shiitake mushroom and kale in a miso butter with pecans and shallots. Asian fusion recipe

Butternut Squash Dumplings with Kale and Shiitake Mushrooms in Miso Butter Sauce

Pillowy, roasted butternut squash filled dumplings, served over a bed of sautéed kale, shallots, shiitake mushrooms, and pecans that has been cooked in miso butter with crispy, fried sage to top it all off. You and your loved ones can feel as though you are dining in an upscale establishment...but in the comfort of your own home. 
Prep Time 30 minutes
Cook Time 1 hour
Total Time 1 hour 30 minutes
Course Main Course
Servings 4 people


  • 32 dumpling wrappers


  • 1 butternut squash
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • sprinkle of salt
  • 1/8 tsp Chinese five spice powder
  • 1/2 tbsp nutritional yeast
  • 1/2 tbsp miso paste I used white miso, but any miso works
  • 1/2 lemon, juiced


  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 shallots, sliced thin
  • 5 oz shiitake mushrooms, sliced
  • 1/3 cup pecans, chopped
  • 3 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 1/2 inch fresh ginger, grated
  • 1/2 cup dry white wine I used Sauvignon Blanc
  • 2 tbsp vegan butter I used Miyoko Salted Vegan butter
  • 1 tbsp miso paste I used white miso paste, but any miso paste works
  • 1/4 tsp Chinese five spice powder
  • 1/8 tsp nutmeg powder
  • 1/4 tsp toasted sesame oil
  • 1 bunch of Dino Kale
  • salt and pepper to taste


  • 15 fresh sage leaves
  • 2 tbsp olive oil
  • sprinkle of salt

Extra Olive oil for dumplings

  • 2 tbsp olive oil You will need 1-2 tbsp of olive oil per batch of panfried dumplings. The amount of batches you will make will depend on size of pan. I personally panfried my dumplings in 2 batches of 16 dumplings.



  • Preheat oven to 375 degrees
  • Cut butternut squash in half, lengthwise
    butternut squash cut in half
  • Remove seeds and "guts" with a spoon
    remove seeds from butternut squash
  • **You can save seed to clean and roast for a delicious snack if desired
  • Spread 1 tbsp olive oil on inside of butternut squash
    spreading oil on butternut squash
  • Sprinkle with a little salt if desired
  • Place butternut squash on a baking sheet and bake in oven for 45 minutes, or until squash is soft enough to smash with a fork
    removing butternut squash with fork
  • **While butternut squash is baking, move ahead to prepare ingredients needed for the shiitake and kale in miso butter sauce


  • Once butternut squash has finished baking, its time to season the filling and construct the dumplings!
  • First, remove roasted butternut squash from its shell/skin. You can do this with a spoon for fork. Place in bowl
    removing butternut squash with fork
  • Mash butternut squash with fork until smooth. You can also put in a food processor if a super smooth consistency is desired
    mashing butternut squash with fork
  • Add all of the remaining ingredients listed under butternut squash filling
    adding ingredients to butternut squash
  • Mix until evenly distributed
    mixing butternut squash with ingredients
  • Time to make the dumplings!
  • Lay out the dumpling wrappers on a flat surface. I like to work in batches of 8 at a time.
    dumpling wrappers laid out
  • Place 1 heaping teaspoon of the dumpling filling in the center of the dumpling wrapper
    butternut squash filling for vegan dumplings
  • Dip your pointer finger in a little water and run your finger along the edge of the wrapper to make the edge slightly moist (this helps to seal the dumplings)
    water edges up dumpling wrappers
  • Fold and pinch the dumpling edges to form a sealed edge
    Vegan butternut squash dumpling recipe
  • Repeat this process and place on a plate or baking sheet lined with parchment paper. The recipe should make about 32 dumplings.
    butternut squash dumplings
  • Set dumplings aside
    vegan butternut squash dumplings assembled

Shiitake Mushrooms and Kale in Miso Butter

  • First, prepare your ingredients
  • Slice shallots, set aside
    sliced shallots
  • Slice shiitake mushrooms, set aside
    sliced shiitake mushrooms
  • Chop pecans, set aside
    chopped pecans
  • Chop garlic cloves, set aside
    chopped garlic
  • Destem kale. Do so by holding the end of the stock and running fist down the stem to remove leaves.
    destemmed kale
  • Once stems are removed, chop kale into bite sized pieces. Set aside
    chopped kale
  • Now its time to cook!
  • **I recommend preparing the following part of the dish while the butternut squash is baking. If you do, you will need to remove the shiitake and kale from heat while assembling dumplings and then reheat it when you are ready to plate the whole dish. This was my preferred method because it utilizes my time more efficiently and did not compromise the quality of the dish.
    You may also prepare the following part of the dish after you assemble the dumplings as well, totally up to you!
  • In a non stick skillet, combine olive oil and shallots and cook over medium heat for 5 minutes
    shallots sautéed in olive oil
  • Add the shiitake mushrooms and pecans, cook for another 5 minutes
    adding mushrooms and pecans to pan
  • Add garlic and grate ginger into pan. Add white wine, miso paste, vegan butter, Chinese five spice, and nutmeg. Cook for another 5 minutes.
    adding garlic and ginger to pan
  • Add chopped kale and sauté for another 2 minutes
    add kale to pan
  • Add salt and pepper to taste
    shiitake mushrooms and kale in miso butter sauce with pecans and shallots
  • Remove from heat and set aside


  • **You will fry the dumplings in the same oil and pan that you fry the sage in for efficiency. Sage first, dumplings second.
  • Wash sage and pat dry. Set aside
  • In a non-stick pan, add 2 table spoons of olive oil. Heat oil over medium heat for about 3 minutes
  • Add sage to pan and allow to fry for about 2 minutes
    sage in oil in pan
  • Flip sage over with tongs or a spatula and allow to fry for another 2 minutes or until they are crisp
  • Remove from pan with tongs or spatula and place on a paper towel to remove excess oil. Set aside
    removing fried sage from the pan
  • **Keep oil cooking over medium heat because you will now pan fry the dumplings in the same pan and oil


  • Place dumplings in the same non-stick pan and oil that the sage was cooked in. I cooked my dumplings in batches of 16, but that will vary depending on size of pan
    vegan butternut squash dumplings in oil
  • Cook over medium heat for about 2 minutes or when bottom begins to brown and crisp
  • Flip dumplings over and cook on other side for about 2 minutes or when bottom begins to brown and crisp
    butternut squash dumpling pan frying
  • Once dumplings are browned and crisped on both sides, add 1/4 cup of water and cover with lid tightly
    adding water to butternut squash dumplings being pan fried
  • Allow to steam for about 4 minutes or until the water has dissolved
  • Remove dumplings from pan and prepare next round of dumplings if needed
    pan fried butternut squash dumplings
  • Each time you prepare a new round of dumplings, add 1-2 tbsp of olive oil to the pan to fry
  • Once all batches of dumplings are panfried, it's time to plate!


  • Place fried sage on cutting board, chop into small pieces and sprinkle with salt. Set aside
    chopped, salted fried sage
  • Reheat shiitake and kale in miso butter. Be sure to just bring up to temperature, do not over cook the kale
    shiitake mushrooms and kale in miso butter sauce with pecans and shallots
  • Place heated shiitake and kale in dish
    shiitake mushrooms and kale in a miso butter with pecans and shallots
  • Top with 8 dumplings per dish
    vegan butternut squash dumplings served with shiitake mushrooms and kale in a miso butter
  • Top with 1/4th of fried sage
  • Serve and enjoy!
    vegan butternut squash dumplings served with Shiitake mushroom and kale in a miso butter with pecans and shallots. Asian fusion recipe
  • Recipe makes 4 servings


  • YES! This is a great dish to prepare ahead of time so you can quickly throw it together when needed.
  • Simply store shiitake mushrooms and kale in a container. Store dumplings in a separate container (Just assemble them, do not cook them before you store them. Cook them when you are ready to serve)
  • When you are ready to actually serve the dish, fry sage and panfry dumplings. Reheat shiitake and kale. And there you go! Dinner in a flash!
  • **You can also assemble and freeze dumplings in batches
Keyword asian fusion, autumn, butternut squash, chinese 5 spice, fall recipe, healthy plant based, healthy vegan, kale, miso, miso butter, shiitake